Cleveland Plastic Surgery Institute

Clear Aligners

Dentistry located in Hurst, TX

Clear Aligners services offered in Hurst, TX

If you’d love a straighter smile but don’t want to spend a year or more in traditional metal braces, clear aligners offer a solution. Jeffrey Osborne, DDS, and the team at Dental Studio of Hurst in Hurst, Texas, have extensive experience with clear aligners, and they’re happy to discuss how this approach might align with your needs and goals. Call the office today or book a visit online to see if you can benefit from orthodontic treatment with clear aligners. 

Clear Aligners Q&A

What are clear aligners?

Clear aligners are an orthodontic treatment that uses a series of clear, plastic trays to place gentle pressure on your teeth, slowly shifting them into improved alignment. At Dental Studio of Hurst, the team offers ClearCorrect® aligners, one of the most advanced systems in the industry. 

Many teens and adults prefer clear aligners over metal braces because of the ability to improve your smile without a metallic grin. Dental hygiene is also easier with aligner trays than trying to brush and floss around metal brackets, wires, and hooks. 

What kinds of alignment issues can clear aligners correct?

Many people are surprised to learn that clear aligners can address many of the same alignment issues as traditional metal braces. Some examples of treatable cases include:

  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Cross bite
  • Open bite
  • Mix of baby and permanent teeth
  • General misalignment

In some cases, metal braces offer the best option. The brackets and wires of metal braces can create distinct types of force, making it easier to move teeth into certain positions. 

During your consultation, your dentist explains which options are right for you. Intraoral scanning can even help you “see” what your smile will look like once you complete treatment. 

What is it like to wear clear aligners?

Once your first few sets of aligners arrive, you come in to learn how to place and remove them. You wear your aligners around the clock, removing them only when brushing, flossing, and during meals. 

You switch to a new set of aligners every couple of weeks. It’s normal to experience a day or two of soreness after changing aligner trays, similar to the feel of having a wire replaced with metal braces. It’s important that you wear your aligners as prescribed, as they can’t work to shift your teeth when they’re not in place. 

Periodic office visits ensure your treatment is progressing smoothly. You also continue your routine dental exams and cleanings every six months. 

If you’d like more information on clear aligners, call Dental Studio of Hurst to schedule a visit. Online booking is also available, allowing you to book from the comfort of home, any time of day or night.